Pronunciation: ˈe-pik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin epicus, from Greek epikos, from epos word, speech, poem
Date: 1589
a: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope
Recipe: Take one Big Hole Mountain Range. Make sure it's not yet quite ripe for summer travel (i.e. deep snowpack at higher elevations that require routfinding due to a buried trail). Add five trail runners at approximately 2:00pm. Mix in some storm clouds and a dash of thunderstorm. Combine with 27 stream crossings, a short glissade, a decision to bail on the original route and follow another route out of the mountains to another trailhead, and a pinch of "I just ate my last gel and we're still two hours out." Stir until exhausted (Approximately 7 hours). Garnish with a hitched ride in a motorhome with four nice folks on vacation from Reno and a beautiful 3 mile jog in the setting sun back to the truck.
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